Monday, July 20, 2009

Go Ahead

The summer in Portland is ridiculously hot. I'm having a hard time getting myself motivated to do anything. And when I do actually have a productive day, I end up having to shower two or three times because I sweat so much. But in the end, I think this is good. I have heard the summer months in Japan are dreadfully hot. That's why our plain ticket was so cheap? At least I am getting a head start on dealing with the heat.

I run a store on etsy and I have been trying to get rid of my inventory. However, I have a lot of Lolita items I am trying to sell. Even though I am an accomplished seamstress, my handmade stuff just isn't competing with Lolita brands. I am keeping some of my handmade items to wear in Japan.. maybe I will get some good attention for it?

That is one of the dresses I am taking with me. A lot of people have wanted to buy it off me, but no one has offered enough to make it worth selling (in other words, enough to pay for the materials and labor that went into making it).

Other than selling off my stuff, I am also getting ready by dying my hair and making a doctors appointment. I had pink and blonde hair for spring and most of summer, but I didn't think that would help me land a job in Japan. So I just went red today (I brought the stylist a pic of Jenny Lewis of Rilo Kiley). I also need to visit the doctor to get my ears checked out since they always hurt when I fly. I don't want to be in pain for 10 hours straight on the flight to Japan.

I have also been helping Dan get his resume together and edit some videos of the monome he recently built. Maybe he will post those videos later?

Nine days left until Japan~

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